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Thursday, March 17, 2005
What I didn't do at SXSW this year
Li'l Floaty Omie Head writes about the events he's skipping at South by Southwest this year. Also, the best CNN headline ever reminds us of the best watergun project ever.
by Omar G. at 5:39 PM
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Gallaga, en español
El periodico El Nacional de Oklahoma, escribe del Feria de Pasantías y Trabajo de la Universidad de Oklahoma donde yo hablé. Puedes encontrar el artículo aquí (¡con foto en color!), en el sitio Web de El Nacional.
Gracias, Matías -- lo recibí en el correo hoy.
by Omar G. at 3:37 PM
The Brat gets out of bed
Part II of "Hot Dog Day Afternoon" has just been posted. You can find Monday's Part I here.
by Omar G. at 11:46 AM
Around the Net
Wing Chun interviews Will Arnett, Gob from Arrested Development (and Mr. Amy Poehler to you) on TWOP.
Local writer/celebrity Spike Gillespie writes about personal bankruptcy in today's Statesman.
Gael, whom we love on Pop Culture Junk Mail writes about satellite radio for MSNBC.
by Omar G. at 9:44 AM
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
How lame of me to point this out
One of the times recently I was on the phone with Jeremy, we got to talking about Space Monkeys! and when I asked him, someone who has known PJ and I since I was 16 and PJ was like 7, what he thought of the comic, he said astutely, "It reeks of you guys." Or maybe it was, "It reeks of Gallaga." Either way, he was absolutely right.
It's not very smart, probably, to point something out in a comic that I think is clever that I helped produce myself, but fuck it. In the latest comic? In that top panel where that hot dog jedi council is sitting there? One of those frankfurter elders is a corndog with two sticks for legs. I think that's freakin' hilarious. Maybe that's just me.
Anthropomorphic corndogs are simply the Gallaga way.
Edited to add:

by Omar G. at 2:48 PM
My review of the very-good Fight Night Round 2 boxing videogame is up at Austin360's arcade channel.
I'm still not proud of hitting that guy in the back of the head.
by Omar G. at 10:31 AM
Monday, March 14, 2005
Better than I could have said
I rarely post in the TWOP Smallville forums because 8,000 words is about my limit on discussing a TV show per week.
But today, probably because the show (and I) are on hiatus for a few weeks, I went ahead and posted in the Dear Al and Miles and Smallville writers thread. Then, one of the responses, from a poster named Krissie, said it better than I:
"Omar, you are right, this show is too dark now. It's not about Clark discovering who he is as a future superhero anymore. I don't know what it is. It's crap, really."
by Omar G. at 5:20 PM
Late but dogged
Space Monkeys! is back this morning with Part 1 of a fresh storyline called "Hot Dog Day Afternoon" after an unplanned spring break hiatus where computer problems were dealt with and eradicated. Eradicators!
My friend Niña Piña said some very nice things in her wedding blog today, mostly exaggerated from her great, big heart. The truth is, I was hellanervous up there and I blew a few of my punchlines and rushed through some parts that would have been even funnier -- I'm a writer, not a sermonizer, and I should have practiced my little speech a few more times so I didn't look like I was reading off of pastel-colored cue cards. But I'm happy to hear that people liked the stuff they could hear and that I didn't completely desecrate the sanctity of marriage. It will be a testament to that marriage's strength that it can survive a speech kicking it off from me.
I'll see if she wants me to post a few exerpts sometime. One big reason you don't always see a lot of us online writers write much about our wedding days on our sites is because it makes things feel like they stop being about the two people and becomes more about the online world; I'm not saying we want to keep stuff private from our readers, just that it's hard to replicate the swirl of emotions and the gusts of activity in online blog form after the fact. It really is one of things where you had to be there and to write about it in a space like this pales next to the experience itself.
That said, wifey and I more than return the feelings; it was a beautiful day with wondeful friends and we were honored to be a part of it
by Omar G. at 10:38 AM
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