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Friday, February 23, 2007
Matt Saracen loves me, too
Well, sorta.
I got to visit a set for Friday Night Lights last night for a story I'm working on. It was lots of fun and the cast and crew couldn't have been nicer.
They posted a photo gallery at work of some pictures I took, but I saved some of the best ones for a Flickr page I'll post later.
Like this one:

by Omar G. at 5:01 PM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Why I love George Takei
He's on Heroes. And he's funny as Hell.
Check it:
George on the whole Tim Hardaway thing. Pure genius.
Then George vs. Arnold the Gobernator on Stern from last year. I hate to ruin the bit, but they don't tell you at the end of the audio clip that the Arnold on the phone was a brilliant impersonator.
Sigh. George is so dreamy...
by Omar G. at 5:26 PM
Aboard the Microsoft games bus
I shot some photos out at the Microsoft bus that came to town.
by Omar G. at 4:51 PM
Chloe gets Freaky
New Smallville recap is up, the last one for about a month:
Freak-a-Leaked -- A teen who can spot people infected by meteors lays his judgmental blind eyes on Chloe. Then she gets kidnapped, strapped to a table, and implanted with a GPS device, which Clark has to remove from her body in one very tense and memorable scene. Meanwhile, Lana continues to get close to Clark's secret, which isn't so much a secret anymore as a "thing we don't really talk about."
by Omar G. at 11:11 AM
Monday, February 19, 2007
The bad chaplain
A new Space Monkeys! comic is up today. It's nice to wake up on a Monday morning and have the comic all wrapped up nice and dandy.
I'm finishing up my last recap for a month, so I'm hoping the next few weeks free up some time for me to post info about the Best of '06 CD (finally!). I have a tentative playlist already, I'm just timing it out to make sure it all fits and then going to buy the CDs/cases this week. So get your Paypal fingers ready.
There's also new songs on the sidebar to the left. I'll be writing up a thing on the MySpace blog today as soon as I get a chance. Update: The write-up is now online.
We saw Snakes on a Plane last night. Man am I glad I didn't pay to see it in a theater. My favorite part was when Sam Jackson tells Julianna Margulies that he'll call her (oh, sorry -- spoiler alert!) and I yelled out, "But I don't have your motherfucking number! Why are you walking away when I don't have the damn number!?" My wife really appreciated how I yelled it right in her ear as we were lying on the couch. Ah, good married times...
by Omar G. at 1:10 PM
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